Subject: ☀️Saturday Gold Circle - Only Reminder

☀️Saturday Gold Circle - Only Reminder

September 30th, 2022 at 11:49 am MDT

Hello Friend, beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit, Our Gold Circle is tomorrow, Saturday, October 1 at 8:00 am PDT. (Link is below.) The focus for August is Help from Our Ancestors. Our public Holding for Healing starts at 9:00 am PDT, so we'll meet ...

☀️Saturday Gold Circle - Only Reminder

September 16th, 2022 at 11:30 am MDT

Hello Friend, beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit, Our Gold Circle is tomorrow, Saturday, September 17 at 8:00 am PDT. (Link is below.) The focus for August is How to Experience True Forgiveness. Our public Holding for Healing starts at 9:00 am PDT, ...

☀️Saturday Gold Circle - Only Reminder

September 2nd, 2022 at 10:55 am MDT

Hello Friend, beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit, Our Gold Circle is tomorrow, Saturday, September 3 at 8:00 am PDT. (Link is below.) The focus for August is How to Experience True Forgiveness. I'm only sending out one reminder the day before Circle ...