Subject: ☀️Saturday Gold Circle - Reminder and Update

Hello Friend, beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit,

It's Jeff, Misa's husband.

Misa and I send our apologies that this reminder about Saturday's Gold Circle is just reaching you. That's because Misa took ill yesterday and I've been doing my best to remember and do everything that needs to be done in her absence.

On that note, there will still be a Gold Circle this Saturday. While it is unlikely that Misa will be well enough by then to be there, one or more women who have been doing this work at high levels for years will be there to facilitate. I'll be on briefly at the beginning to make sure Zoom is happy and then leave you to it.

FYI, Misa tested negative for COVID... so it's more of a temporary—though very nasty—bug. As you well know, she is a trooper as well as a healer, so we're sure she'll be back in action within a few days.

Please find the usual Gold Circle Zoom information below.

Thank you for your patience, prayers and blessings!

Jeff Burger aka "The Husband"


Gold Circle is Saturday, December 10 at 8:00 am PST. (Link is below.)

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Get your local time here.

Also, check your members area library for the latest recordings. 😊 

Here's your call-in information. 
Be sure to have the access code (passcode)!
Time: 8:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every 2 weeks on Sat

Or call in on your phone:
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,88946305040#,,,,*465652# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,88946305040#,,,,*465652# US (Houston)

Find your local number:
Meeting ID: 889 4630 5040
Passcode: 465652

See you soon!

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Misa Hopkins, 2675 W. Hwy 89A PMB 455, 86336, Sedona, United States
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