Hello Friend, beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit,
Our next circle takes place tomorrow, Saturday, March 6,
8:00 am PT. It will be recorded.
If you are new to the circle,
welcome! :)
Be sure to take note of our new circle dates. Put every other Saturday morning (at 8:00 am PT) on your calendar, starting March 6.
This month, we'll have an additional session on the third Monday evening at 5:00 pm PT.
(NOTE: We had a typo in the list of new Gold Circle dates. May 7 has been corrected to May 1.)
It's good to check the time in your area. Put Los
Angeles in the first field at 5:00 pm and your location in the next field to
get your local time for the call.
In March we are
focusing on the difference between Empathy and Compassion.