Subject: Registration for SHE Practitioner Inservice

Hi Friend,

If you have already registered for your September 3, SHE Practitioner Certification Inservice, congratulations.

If you haven't registered yet, now is the time! 💖

Your September Inservice

Remember what it was like for you when you spent the weekend in the sacred energy of the Grandmothers and the journey of the 4 Prescriptions?

If you loved going into the shamanic realms of the 4 Prescriptions, imagine how much your clients will love it when you take them there!

This is a powerful way to release trauma at the subconscious level, and open to the depths of one's sacred, essential self.

During your one-day Inservice, you'll learn how to journey people in the 4 Prescriptions—through the seasons of life—and you'll be able to add it to your certified offerings to clients. 😊

You learn what my elder taught me about Holding the space, using a drum or rattle. And you'll find out how to use the sacred songs for journeying.

Journeying others safely—knowing where and how people can get stuck or even traumatized—and how to avoid these places is essential for taking people into the deeper realms.  (Personally, I found that this coaching helped me take people safely into guided meditations as well.)

Once you know how, you can then add Journeying in the 4 Prescriptions to the services you offer—and in my experience—meditations and journeys are where some of my clients most profound transformations occur.

Your instruction begins immediately after Gold Circle at 9:15 am PDT/12:15 pm EDT on Saturday, September 3.

The value of this day-long retreat is $600, but as a Practitioner, you receive this training as part of your first year Certification Inservice at a big discount. 👍

Certification Benefits for 2022-23

As you might recall, certification at $100 per year entitles you to:

  • Increase your offerings by learning a powerful new practice during your annual inservice.

  • Attend any of the SHE retreats between September 2022-2023 at no additional cost to you.

  • Be featured on our practitioner page on our website. We serve a community of over 14,000 people, and have an average of about 2,000 visitors to our website per month. (And Jeffrey is building a beautiful page for you and the other Practitioners.)

Enroll now and reserve your seat for the Saturday, September 3 SHE Practitioner Certification Inservice:

I can't wait to show you how to help the people you serve experience beautiful levels of spiritual healing and awakening through the 4 Prescriptions!

Holding you in gratitude for your understanding,