Subject: In just one week...

Journeying with the 4 Prescriptions Retreat

Hello Friend

The Grandmothers tell us, Journeying into the 4 Prescriptions is how we open our consciousness to what is beyond the mundane (the suchness of woman's current life). When a woman is ready to meet her power, and move beyond her ego, she journeys into the 4 Prescriptions.


If you know you would like to Hold space for those you serve to meet their power in this way, then The 4 Prescriptions Journeying Retreat is the place to learn how to do it.

Below is the information about the retreat. I can't wait to see you there!



Journeying is different than a guided visualization meditation, and it has everything to do with the space you are Holding.


Because The 4 Prescriptions Journeys have a way of taking people into significant peak experiences, during this retreat you receive specific training on using the drum, rattle, sounds and words to facilitate profound experiences


I’ll teach you what my elder taught me, so you feel equipped to take people safely into experiences of awakening using the Prescriptions.

We meet Saturday, July 17th – Sunday, July 18th

7:00 am PT – 12:00 pm PT (both days)


Notice the new time. (Hopefully this new start time makes it a little easier for everyone. I might be in my pajamas, but I’ll be ready to go! LOL) 😂

We have a tendency to go overtime, so be prepared for that. 😊

I know it will still get late for you, so it will be recorded Aruna. 😉


Tuition is $297. Register now because it is all happening in one week!


It will be lovely to reconnect and hear about how Holding is moving in your life now, and how it is informing your sacred contributions in the world. 💖


I’m excited for you to join me in sharing these powerful journeys with those you so lovingly serve.

AND, a video explaining the 4 Prescriptions is now in your members area. Be sure to check it out! 😊


Holding you in my heart and songs – as always,

PS I’ll have a special gift waiting for you at the retreat!

PSS If you have a drum and/or rattle, bring it. If not, don't worry, you'll gain an understanding in how to use rhythm to journey.