Subject: ✍️ 10 Emotions Retreat—Info to Invite Guests

✍️ 10 Emotions Retreat—Info to Invite Guests

July 18th, 2022 at 3:05 pm MDT

Hi Friend, Your 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul Retreat is coming up on Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31! Below is a letter of invitation you can send to the woman you would like to invite as your guest. I suggest you copy and personalize the l ...

Loving Reminder for this Saturday

September 10th, 2021 at 4:08 pm MDT

SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership View onlineDear Friend, Just a loving reminder about joining us tomorrow! SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership that I’m teaching live starts this weekend. So here's a little something about the course—as promi ...

Loving Reminder for this Saturday

September 10th, 2021 at 4:02 pm MDT

SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership View onlineHi Victoria, Just a loving reminder in case you want to jump into SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership. I also know it was a financial stretch to register for 10 Emotions, so here's what I'm thinking. If ...

Loving Reminder - Last Call

September 10th, 2021 at 3:36 pm MDT

SHE Personal Mastery Leadership Begins Tomorrow View onlineHi Friend, Just a loving reminder that we begin tomorrow and you can still get in! SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership that I’m teaching live starts this weekend. So here's a little somet ...

Personal Note—Saving your seat for this Saturday

September 7th, 2021 at 8:47 pm MDT

There is still time to get in View onlineHi Victoria, I wanted to write you a personal note. I know you still have about a month of SHE 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul to do, and I know this might seem a bit early for you... ... but I know you've bee ...

Personal Note—Saving your seat for this Saturday

September 7th, 2021 at 7:11 pm MDT

There is still time to get in View onlineI wanted to write you a personal note. I honor the profound work you have done in SHE Doorway to the Divine and the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul. I love receiving your emails and reading your Facebook posts ...

Personal Note—Saving your seat for this Saturday

September 7th, 2021 at 7:06 pm MDT

There is still time to get in View onlineI wanted to write you a personal note. I honor the profound work you have done in SHE Doorway to the Divine and the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul. I love receiving your emails and reading your Facebook posts ...

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