Subject: Loving Reminder for this Saturday

SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership

Hi Victoria,

Just a loving reminder in case you want to jump into SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership.

I also know it was a financial stretch to register for 10 Emotions, so here's what I'm thinking. If you would like to continue on to SHE Personal Master and Leadership, you could finish the last of the 10 Emotions as you go or at the end of the course. You can also apply for a scholarship from New Dream Foundation, and we could see about expediting it before this weekend.

That said, here is the reminder the other gals finishing 10 Emotions are receiving, and I'd be delighted for you to join us. I believe you are ready! :)


SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership that I’m teaching live starts this weekend.

So here's a little something about the course—as promised.

Historically, we've made creating soooo much work, because we were taught that's the ONLY way to make things happen. But it's not, as you know. You've been discovering the power, grace and ease of the Feminine.

As you have been breaking away from beliefs and patterns of the past, your soul is claiming her reason for being here.

Now is the time you also learn to re-ignite your masculine energy—to engage your passions—only this time working with your Feminine consciousness.

It can be a tricky stage—but a powerful one as...


... You learn the secret of how to use your intuitive promptings to glide into probability streams, so you create the best and highest destiny possible—with greater ease, of course! 👍

This is where we bring it all together—feminine and masculine energies—so that you can manifest with greater confidence and joy.

Women who have taken this course deepen into their mastery and then incorporate what they have learned into their coaching, counseling, healing, and well—life!

That's what I love about SHE Personal Mastery and Leadership, and there is still time to get in!

If you have already decided you want to jump in with us, that's fabulous! We'll get you set up for this Saturday's class. If you can't right now, I'd love to know what support you need to be able to proceed. 😉

This is the peak of the mountain until elderhood! And you are almost there!

Remember, this is a live class with a maximum of 6-8 participants, so you get lots of personalized support during our 6 sessions together (2 hours each). Plus, you get the gifts of a 2-day retreat, 1-day reunion and a private session with me. 😊

Because you have been so committed to claiming your freedom and joy, (and you didn’t get our emails) we are holding the discount open for you along with the early-registration bonus—a private session with me. 

There is also a 3-pay option, but if you need additional financial consideration, let us know. We don't want to leave anyone behind. Who loves ya?! 😊

We start this Saturday... so I look forward to hearing back from you if you'd like to join this beautiful group of women.

Holding you in my heart and songs,