Subject: Special Ends Sunday: 21-Day Inner Child Transformation

Coupon to get live coaching support for your Inner Child program!

Hi Friend,

Didn't see my message from yesterday?

If you want to get everything you can from your Healing the Inner Child program, I have a special offer for you right now.

In 30 years of facilitating this work, it's become so clear that the key to getting living into our commitments and getting optimal results from any course comes down to this—live coaching support, speed and accountability.

That's why my team and I created the 21-Day Transformation: Healing the Inner Child program to bring that support to this life-changing emotional work! (Discount coupon below.)

Because you've already invested in the Inner Child course—and more importantly, yourself—we're glad to gift you a $124 coupon to offset what you've already paid! Who loves ya?! 😀💖

Remember... there are only a limited number of seats for this coaching support program. And early-bird pricing to save an additional $100 is only available through this Sunday, Oct. 20... so check it out now!

Be sure to use coupon innerchild124 at checkout!

I'm so looking forward to being with you again live as we kick off our 21-Day Transformation program!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

What women have experienced applying this Ancient Feminine Wisdom:


Living the best years of my life now
This program has helped me shift fear. I have an underlying calm in life now... so many more moments of pure joy and bliss. Instead of dealing with my feelings, I now honor them and really base a lot of my decisions on intuition. I'm now working on my life purpose and mission with a sense of wonder.—Nicole


I could feel my heart de-armoring
I was so hurt and could not feel my heart. I was so numbed out and turning to food to feel and fuel the emptiness inside of me. This course really shifted so many things and it has bettered my life in so many ways. I could feel my heart de-armoring... walls were removing themselves. —Carla


Truly a life-changing experience
I uncovered things that had been hidden deep within for a long time. I got in touch with my true self and received many insights and profound healing through love and compassion. I became much more spiritually and psychically aware and learned how to tune into the unmet needs of my child at different ages. —Ewan