Subject: BBBonus Breakthrough Healing Circle for Healing the Inner Child program


I'm realizing there has been some confusion about attending Breakthrough Healing Circles as participants in the Inner Child Program. Thanks so much for letting me know.

The Inner Child Program entitled you to 40 days access to Circles (calls and recordings library), enough to cover three Circles. Plus I invited you to a 4th bonus Circle last month, just because so many of you were still working through the process.

If you understood that you would be able to attend 3 Circles, and have only attended one or two, I understand and appreciate your desire to participate in more.

The system we are using only allows us to choose a number of days for access to the members area and doesn't know whether or not you've attended, so we can only track sessions available, not actual participation. ;)

Your dedication to your process is inspiring, so I've decided to give you access to one more circle! (It's also my way of saying, I'm so sorry for any confusion.)

Put it on your calendar!

The next circle is on:

Thursday, April 23rd
5:30 pm PDT; 8:30 pm EDT; midnight UTC

USA Phone: 605-562-3140
International: Exit code + 605-562-3140

NEW Participant Code:

If you can't join us in person, send an e-mail to

Share your insight or question and we'll address it in the Circle and send you the recording.

I look forward to continuing in the journey a little longer with you,

PS Thank you for all of your wonderful feedback. I'm incorporating your wise and thoughtful insights into future offerings!

2675 W. Hwy 89A PMB 455, Sedona, AZ 86336, United States
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