Subject: IMPORTANT: About Your Devotionals

Bro. Friend,

First let me apologize for the confusion, inconsistency, and delayed response to personal emails many of you have sent. This ministry has been under attack for a while and recently my server has been disabled from sending emails.

Prior to that, the system I use to send out emails started automatically disabling the emails before they were sent. The combination of the two is why you have not been receiving devotionals daily as promised.

But we serve a great God!

I found a new server and software that will allow me to get back to sending these devotionals out to you all daily. It's going to take a little bit more patience and a lot of prayer as I transition things.

The new server has a higher cost and I believe God will continue to provide and ensure his Word reaches as many men as possible.

Over the past 10+ years of this devotional I received countless testimonies of men reconciling with their wives, turning away from suicide, sending them to family members in jail, encouraging pastors for Sunday sermons, overcoming addictions, and overall support and strength in times they need most. Needless to say...

This work must continue!

And it will.

With your prayer and the Lord's strength we will be back up and running stronger than ever. The enemy will regret the day he ever sent his minions to attack as it has only made the ministry stronger!

I'm looking at another 2 weeks tops to get everything moved over. As soon as the new platform is ready I will send out another email with instructions on how to join (again). Thank you again for your continued support and commitment to the Word of God.

Bro. Chris

"Lord, we collectively claim victory today. Let every life that the enemy tried to keep from being impacted by this ministry be blessed 100 fold. We claim lives saved, marriages strengthened, children rising up as leaders, good health mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, and most of all we claim to live up to the men you have created us to be daily. Let this transition go smoothly, without flaw. In Jesus name we pray, Amen."