Subject: Yet to be seen

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” - the things God has prepared for those who love him”

~ 1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV
You ain’t seen nuthin yet.

What God has prepared for you has yet to be revealed. You’ve just seen a teaser. The main event is on the horizon.

It’s gonna take faith, however.

I’m here to tell you that God is requiring a greater level of faith in action than you have ever released. He wants you to pursue a deeper relationship with him than you have ever sought.

He wants to see your love for him manifested in your obedience to his word, will, and instruction for your life.

Furthermore, He wants to blow you away with what is in store for you.

Stop looking towards what has already been done and proven by others…God is doing something bigger.

Stop trying to wrap your mind around it to make sense out of it…God is doing something greater.

Stop doubting the capabilities of your Heavenly Father based on your trials…God is able.

Your faith is the key, your trust is required, and God is faithful.

Receive a "never been seen before" blessing on your life today. Give God permission to bless you beyond what your mind can comprehend.

Lets pray…

“Lord thank you for your abounding love. You continue to bless me just for loving you. You are the greatest gift I have ever owned. I accept what you are doing in my life. Blow me away Father. I trust in you and your ways. I know what you have for me is for me. I walk into my destiny by faith Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

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