Subject: "Worry-er"

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”

~ Philippians 4:6 NLT
Worrying is a choice.

Just think about it…no matter what level of life you currently live at there is something to worry about.

Impoverished people worry about finding shelter and food.

Middle class worry about making enough for shelter and food.

Wealthy people worry about losing their shelter and food.

There is always a reason for you to worry about anything at every level of life.

Have you ever worried about something so much that it actually changed the situation? Yeah me neither.

All worrying does is assume a negative outcome about your current situation. It exemplifies a lack of faith and belief that God can and will turn it around for you.

Instead you should pray.

Don’t just pray that it will work out for you, but pray that you will find peace in exercising faith in the face of worry. That you will have a heart that desires the God who delivers, more than the deliverance itself.

Pray by faith that it is already done and receive that result in your Spirit. Then you will be able to thank God for what he has done before it manifests.

Pray by faith, then thank Him by faith.

Choose to be a Warrior - not a “worry-er”.

Lets pray…

“Father I choose faith. When I begin to worry in my flesh I will profess the your Word until my faith increases. I will not let worrying steal another hour of my life. Instead I will unleash the full power of prayer daily knowing that I am victorious in Christ. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
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