Without a doubt, the story of Jesus Crist is the greatest story of all time.
There is no story greater or more powerful than how the Son of God was crucified to save the entire world.
The greatest superhero of all.
The question becomes…how do we tell this story? Have we limited to the telling of the gospel of Christ to the pulpit?
Besides church services, crusades, conventions, and TBN how can we be sharing this amazing story?
I was given the answer to this question the other day as I was sharing the story of my life with my psychologist. Upon hearing the entire story he couldn’t help but acknowledge the presence of God over my life.
It wasn’t the words I used it was the life I lived that gave the power of Christ visibility. It was no longer my life that I was magnifying, but the life of Christ in me.
Today I’d like to encourage you that all that you have been through (and will go through) will serve as a platform to magnify the amazing grace of Christ.
The world is in need of motivation. People are lost and looking for change.
Your story may be the bridge for them to get to the change they’ve been seeking for in life.
Will you tell it?
Let’s pray…
“Lord, thank you for life. You have given me the greatest gift ever and I want to show you the level of my appreciation by offering my life back to you. To live a life that magnfies Christ and crucifies my flesh. A life so attractive that people will be forced to acknowledge your existence as the one true God. Father, give me the confidence in sharing my story and understanding it’s power. In Jesus name I pray, Amen”