Subject: White flag

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

~ Philippians 1:6 NLT
Why not just give up?

You know God has a purpose for your life, but the journey is wearing you out.

Each morning seems like you wake up with more weight than the previous. Leaving you often contemplating if it’s even worth getting out of the bed.

When you look around there seems to be nothing but critics and “holy folks” waiting and ready to ridicule your walk.

The strength and happiness people see is quickly thrown away in private. Countless tears flow from your eyes from the pain you are called to endure.

So why not just quit? Wave the white flag and give in. It’s too much, too hard, and takes too long.

Because you can’t.

Every morning it is the strength of the Lord the helps you rise and face the day with a renewed spirit…not your own.

Even when you try to walk away for some reason you just can not. God keeps pushing you forward towards a destiny promised but yet to be seen.

It makes all natural sense to stop, but your spirit man is empowered to overcome the world and show the power of God in the lives of those that yet trust in him.

There’s breath in your body, you have a fully functional mind, and your heart still pumps blood. And that’s all God needs.

Friend, I’m here to tell you that even if you quit on yourself God won’t quit on you.

You are not damaged goods, but you have become broken for a purpose. What life has shattered in to pieces, God will restore into the beautiful piece of artwork you were created to be.

Only you can go through what you are going through the way you are going through it. The grace of God has been released all over you life to empower you along the way.

It may take a while but you will win. The victory is already yours. So take heart in knowing that you serve a God that believes in you more than you can ever believe in yourself.

Stay the course and keep running.

Because whatever the grace of God has called you to, it will see you through.

Lets pray…

“Father thank you for your presence in my life. It gets so hard at times to keep living but you are a constant help. You are always working on my behalf. I choose grace Lord. Help me to extend grace to others as you have done for me. I know I’m far from perfect but you keep on loving me. Show me how to love like that Lord. When I’m going through help me to not focus on just me but the needs of others. I know whatever you start you will finish. This work you have begun on my life is complete by faith. In Jesus name I claim. Amen.”
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