Subject: What did He say? (pt. 2)

Luke 5:4-5 - What Did He Say? Pt. 2

“4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”” (Luke 5:4-5 NIV)

by Chris

Jesus didn’t just bless Peter because of his faith. He blessed Him for his obedience and giving.

Before He cast out to the sea, Jesus was preaching on land. The word attracted such a crowd that He decided to preach from a boat He saw sitting on the shore.

When Jesus got in the boat and asked Peter to set out a bit, Peter did just that.

One thing to note is that Peter was actually busy cleaning his nets. He was occupied with important tasks of this world.

Yet he was able to allow Jesus’ plan supersede his own.

It was through this obedience that Peter gave Jesus his boat to be used for the kingdom. In return, Jesus gave him back more than he could handle.

What is God asking of you to give to Him so He can return greater to you?

Receiving from God what you desire is tied up into what you are willing to release to Him.

To be honest, I had to release my money to Him. I knew I could not receive more if I was too busy holding on to the portion I had.

What do you need to release?

The only way to make room for abundance is to give God what you have. God doesn’t just want to do His work on earth. He wants to do His work through you.

And once His work is complete…make way for abundance!

Lets pray…

“Lord, today I choose to release. I know whatever I give you will return to me greater. Give me the strength and faith to give to you what you are demanding of me. Your will is greater than mine. I surrender to you way Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen”

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