Subject: What did He say?

Luke 5:4-5 - What Did He Say?

“4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”” (Luke 5:4-5 NIV)

by Chris

He commands, you do. That’s how it should work.

In reality it’s more like - He commands, you ponder and reason, and if it makes sense...then you'll do it.

In today’s vernacular I could envision Simon (Peter) saying, “look I’m a seasoned fisherman and I know when there are fish in the sea. I’m tired and we’ve been at this all night. But since you say so I’ll do it”.

And with that act of faith Peter released God’s abundant blessing. They caught so much fish the nets began to break and they had to call for help.

There lies the reality of faith. You don’t have to understand it, agree with it, or want to do it. You simply just have to do it.

Jesus didn’t penalize Peter for what he said, He rewarded him by what he did. He took God at His word and put it into action.

Peter believed God’s word more than what he had seen with his natural eyes all night.

That is all God wants from you. He wants you to learn to hear His word and put it into action. God wants to be put in a position where He has to show up.

But it requires faith.

I want you to think about the provision from God you are in need of today. What does an abundance of that look like?

Now envision yourself with that abundance for a moment. How does it feel? What worries do you no longer have?

I’m here to tell you that abundance is yours. God wants to give it to you. In fact, He wants to do more than you just imagined.

If He did it before for Peter, He’ll do it again for you today.

Lets pray…

“Father I believe! All that you have for me is greater than I can ever imagine and it is mine to claim. I exercise my faith today by being attentive to your word and putting it into immediate action, even if it doesn't make sense. I know all my needs are always met by faith in Christ. In Jesus name I pray…Amen”
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