Subject: Watch your mouth

Colossians 4:6 - Watch Your Mouth

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (Colossians 4:6 NIV)

by Chris

Sticks and stones my break my bones but words can kill.

At least that’s how it should go.

We live in a society where words do not hold their true value. People easily use derogatory terms towards one another without second thought of the internal impact every word has.

Whether the receiving party admits it or not, every word spoken travels internally and lands somewhere.

This is why it is important for believers to be slow to anger and wise when speaking. We know how much weight words hold and it is up to us to demonstrate their proper use to the world.

Have you ever had to catch yourself before responding to someone who upset you? What you wanted to say you knew you shouldn’t say. In fact, you would’ve said it anyway but the Holy Spirit but your tongue under arrest.

Brothers, we have been commissioned to always speak with grace towards one another. No matter the emotion or frustration we may feel internally.

We must allow the Holy Spirit to have priority over our tongue so we may be able to respond properly in all situations.

It takes love and humility. You will have to put your pride to the side and choose grace over anger.

You are doing this not to appear “soft” or “weak”, but to show the power of the love of Christ. People and situations will test you and expect you to respond a certain.

The Holy Spirit will ensure that you always respond correctly...with grace.

Lets pray...

“Father, we give our tongue to you today. Arrest our thoughts that are not like you. Prevent us from opening our mouths if there is no grace to be added to our words. Lord we will no longer ignore the power of our words. We know just as they can be used to tear down, they can be used to build and encourage one another. Lord provide strength to us whenever we feel a flesh reaction of words surfacing. Give us compassion for one another to see past the words and be able to minister to their heart, hurt, and need. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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