Subject: Ultimate precision

Hebrews 4:12 - Ultimate Precision

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

by Chris

God isn't concern about your feelings.

He wants your soul. He longs for you to spend eternity with Him in his presence.

The only way to do that is to conquer the flesh. Bring it into total submission under the word of God.

And the word will do just that. God's word is intended to pierce the heart and separate it from its fleshly desires.

If you could imagine how sharp a sword must be to cut through bone marrow, you will understand there is no circumstance the word of God cannot overcome.

His word is sharp, accurate and to the point. It moves with ultimate precision.

Have you ever listened to a preacher’s message and felt it was speaking directly to you? This is the convicting power of God’s word.

When the word is at work it convicts. It makes known the your true motives and requires you to face them and change them.

As a Christian, the worst thing you can do is harden your heart to the word of God. You cannot afford to become stagnant in doing what the word convicts you to do. What change it prompts you to make.a

Just as the word is active and living, the same is required of you upon conviction.

God never intended on His word to simply cut, but to heal as well. To reveal to us what He sees in us as faults that we may change and continue to grow in His image.

Let the word of God have it’s way in your life today. Be intentional on acting on what the Lord has recently convicted you about.

Do not let the living word die in your presence.

Lets pray...

“Father give me the strength and courage to face my motives. Reveal my true heart to me Lord. When you do I promise to make a change. I choose to let the word of God live in me, and through me. In Jesus name I pray...Amen”
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