Subject: Turbulent times

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

~ John 16:33 NIV
God promised you abundant life.

He also promised that you would see many trials and sorrow. Unfortunately, a lot of Christians overlook this promise.

Jesus died because he knew of the persecution, trials, and great sorrow we would all endure living a life for Christ.

Since he died, you now have a promise that supersedes that of trials and sorrow. A promise of peace in Him that surpasses all understanding.

To give you ultimate confidence that whatever you are facing and going through that you always come out on top.

Envision you are on a flight for the first time. The pilot tells you the destination but does tell you how long it will take.

As the plane begins to ascend you start experiencing some heavy turbulence. You start to panic and scream because of your perception of what will happen.

The pilot is still calm and reassures you that the turbulence will pass. You don’t believe him and pretty much beg him to land the flight. You cry to him daily to end the suffering. All you want to do is get back to what is normal…the ground.

The pilot stays the course and you make it to your destination safely. What you didn’t realize is that the pilot’s promise included the fact that you would face turbulence.

Every promise God has given you has already factored in the trials and hardships that you will face. He took all of that into account before he made the promise.

You just have to be willing to continue to trust him when it doesn’t look (or feel) good. Learn how to see things through more of a spiritual lens than natural.

You don’t want to be the guy that gets off the plane and acts like he had it all together after the flight lands.

You want to show God that even though you may be scared and doubtful, that you refuse to let your flesh get the best of you. You refuse to act in a manner that is a direct contradiction of the faith you have released.

Refuse to believe anything other than the promise of overcoming.

Lets pray…

“Lord, forgive me for every time I have let life’s turbulence shape my belief in your ability. I receive both promises. The promise of trials as well as the promise of peace. Knowing your peace is far greater than any pain or sorrow I will ever experience. I receive the spirit of victory of every single one of my trials in Jesus name. Amen.”
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