Subject: Truth lovers

Daily encouragement for men of faith
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

~ Philippians 4:8 NLT
The world is a lie and God is the truth.

As simple as that may seem it's easy to lose perspective on that fact.

We are born in this world and trained to pursue things in it. Houses, cars, clothes, money, etc. These are all things that the world tells us are necessary to be successful in life.

When you chase after the things of the world, you end up inheriting all the entrapments that come with them. Hurt, stress, pain, frustration, no satisfaction, and lack.

Only God can add blessings to your life without adding sorrow to it.

This is why you need to seek the creator to define what you should be pursuing in life. Let the Christ from within you navigate your paths and control your passions.

Allowing your inner discernment to identify the truth about what the world presents, so you are not easily persuaded by the false promises that lead to death.

Today set your heart on seeking the truth and don't settle for anything less. Yearn to see the world through the lenses God intended you to.

To love God is to is to love the truth. So take inventory and make sure your thoughts are not set on the fallacies of what the world promotes as "the life".

Love people in the world, hate the sin it promotes, and cling to Christ.

Let's pray...

"Father help me to keep my mind focused on you. The truth. It is so easy to get caught up living my life by the standards the world set instead of yours. Lord let your spirit within me create the life outside of me. To love you is to hate sin. Today I chose to become a lover of truth. In Jesus name I pray, Amen." 

Jesus is the only truth. Remind a friend...
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