Subject: True creator

Psalms 119:73 - True Creator

“Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.” (Psalms 119:73 NIV)

by Chris

“If you want to know the purpose of the creation, ask the creator” 
     ~ Myles Monroe

God is your creator, not the universe.

You were formed with a purpose by God. You did not evolve from some animal form.

Your existence is intentional and well thought out.

Are you aware of the reason why God chose to create you?

Well you won’t find the answer in man. No psychiatrist, life coach, counselor, or psychologist can give you the understanding of your purpose.

That lies in God.

He made you and will gladly reveal your purpose. But you must ask. You must seek it in God and not man.

God’s purpose for your life is greater than you could ever imagine. He wants you to walk directly into the destiny He has set before you.

His commands, through understanding, will guide you. The more you learn about God the clearer your path will become.

Pursue God, learn His commands, and walk in your purpose.

Lets pray…

“Father, only you know why you created me like you did. I know I was not created by man or some random happening in the universe. Thank you for making me with purpose. As I continue to seek you, Lord make your purpose for my life clear. In Jesus name I pray, Amen”
15863 Garrett Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124, United States
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