Subject: True Brotherhood

Daily encouragement for men of faith
"“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’ "

- Luke 14:28-30
God knew following Christ would not be easy.

And he never intended on that fact to be a secret. The bible talks about the guarantee of trials just as freely as it does the promises of God.

The order of God is to first evaluate your journey before you embark on it. See what it's going to cost you and be wiling to pay along the way.

As leaders this requires us to live at a higher standard of wisdom. We are charged to educate ourselves on the path ahead, by any means necessary, before we pursue.

Before you propose to that special lady make sure you understand marriage requires a higher level of sacrifice, selflessness, and love.

That new job means less free time doing what you want and requires a higher level of financial stewardship.

Know that pursuing your purpose will always be secondary to taking care of your first ministry...your family.

As a community of men we have to be more intentional on helping each other understand what my lie ahead. Don't sit and watch your brother go down a path that may lead to destruction when you have insight that will help him count the costs.

You will not always have all the information you desire upfront, that's where faith fills in.

However, as a man, you cannot afford to move forward blindly with false expectations of the journey ahead.

A true brotherhood is the answer.

Let's pray...

"Father forgive me for handling major decisions on my own. There have been many times I should have reached out to others before I made a move and I didn't. I didn't use their wisdom and experience to help me count the costs of my journey. Lord, provide me with a community of men I can confide in during times of decision making. And give me the courage and strength to confide in them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen"
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