Subject: The perfect response (pt. 1)

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." 

~ Job 42:2 NASB
Yesterday I posed the question..."What do you say when you want to believe God but you allow your doubt to get the best of you?"

Today God gave me the answer.

The response of a godly man in the times of heavy trial is how God tests what's in your heart. What you really believe.

The book of Job provides us with a 3-step process of responding to our trials. They are:
  1. Confess
  2. Repent
  3. Receive
Today we will deal with the Confession piece.

Chapter 42 is when Job gets fully restored. Everything that was taken is replaced with more than Job had to begin with.

This restoration process began with Job opening his mouth and confessing the truth about the Lord.

This was not a theoretical confession, but experiential. Job had witnessed firsthand the lack of impossibilities in God.

He was a living witness.

Despite the doubt, anger, discouragement, and thoughts of death; Job opened his mouth and confessed that the Lord was still in control.

It is in this verbal confession that Job was able to reactivate his faith in God and receive understanding of what to do next.

So the question becomes…do you recite a faith confession daily?

If not, don’t worry about it - use Job’s.

What’s important is that you train yourself to speak aloud the truth of God to your trial. Doing so will serve as a releasing agent of your doubt and disbelief.

I’m not saying that you will not doubt. Honestly, you may not fully believe your confession as you speak it.

But keep speaking it until you do believe it. Repeat it daily, throughout your day, until you experience your doubt minimize and your faith increase. Sometimes it’s instantaneous.

Remember, God is faithful even when we are not. Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the true power we have in Jesus.

The power of confession helps us recall just how mighty the God we serve is. He has got it all under control.

Lets pray…

“Father, forgive me for my lack of faith. You have been nothing but faithful to me even when I am not. Today I confess that you are the Lord over my trial. Whatever doubt I was facing I claim victory in the name of Jesus today. No longer will I respond to trials with facts. I choose faith. I know there are no impossibilities in you. I choose to walk in that truth today and onward. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
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