Subject: The great sacrifice

Matthew 9:29 - The Great Sacrifice

“And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 9:29 NLT)

by Chris

To follow Christ is a great honor.

However, it takes a great sacrifice. A sacrifice many Christians are not willing to give.

About a year after losing the only home I’ve ever owned, my mentor shared this verse with me.

He encouraged me that as long as I am walking in the will of God that I did not lose my house. It was a sacrificial seed sown to be returned to me later in a greater capacity.

This goes for friends, family members, or any other material belongings. God knew in order to walk in your purpose He would have to strip you of some things you thought you needed.

He has to establish a true dependance on Him, and Him alone. When I look back at my life, I’ve given up (not lost):
  • House
  • Car
  • Job
  • Friends
  • Life savings
The list could go on.

However, this was all done for the sake of following God's instruction in my life. Now I’m closer to God and my true purpose than I have ever been.

“What I thought I was losing God was using!”

Using my loss to build my faith in Him that would waiver no matter how bad the situation may appear. A faith required to achieve great works, and walk in great purpose.

Brothers, I want to encourage each and every one of you today that God has not forgotten all that you have given. He knows the pain of your sacrifice. He knows how much you have given up to follow His commandments by faith.

We can never beat God giving. So know that everything you’ve left behind on your journey, He WILL to return in a greater capacity.

Today be thankful in your “lack”. For now you know it was a necessary sacrifice to ensure a greater promise later.

Lets pray...

“Father God we trust you. We know we have not sacrificed in vain. Lord we expect and anticipate our 100 fold blessing. What we once saw as lost, we now know as seed sown in Jesus name. Amen.”

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