Subject: Team player

Luke 10:1-2 - Team Player

“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:1-2 NIV)

by Chris

Two things to note right off the bat in these scriptures:
  1. Jesus didn’t do everything alone
  2. Jesus knew there was more harvest than workers
Jesus was a true team player. Although he could’ve done it all he chose to include people. Let them experience the harvest for themselves.

That way of thinking comes with a spirit of confidence not competition.

If it’s anything that bothers me with the church today, it’s that we do not model this way of operating. 

Instead of going out collectively to win the lost we argue over which denomination is right or wrong. Or why one church is better than another.

We’re so busy focusing on minor issues inside that we forget about the abundance of hurt outside.

What would happen if all churches, no matter the denomination, came together to win souls regardless of what church the newly won decided to go to? Seems like a lofty thought though.

Though divided (in pairs) these people were still operating under the same spirit, with the same goal... the lost.

Brothers, we have to learn how to put our differences aside and be about kingdom business. There is a harvest of souls that Jesus has promised to us that are willing to work for it.

That is the only thing that matters. These people are lost without hope and without a Savior.

We have both.

We’re better together, my prayer is that churches will start understanding that as well.

Lets pray...

“Father forgive us for focusing on the wrong thing(s). As we argue in the church there is a world hurting and in need of a Savior. Lord raise up a standard in the body of Christ that we may all take heed to. A standard that calls us to put our small differences aside for the sake of the lost. You didn’t give us salvation for us to keep it ourselves. You saved us so we can share your saving grace and mercy with someone else. We claim salvation for the lost at any cost in Jesus name! Amen.”

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