Subject: Strategic salvation

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel.”

~ Proverbs 24:6 MSG
The more I learn about God the more I realize how strategic he is.

He purposely mapped out everything he was going to do before he did it. Taking into account every possibility and probable outcome.

To put it simply, there is nothing that will ever take place in life that will surprise God.

Every trial and blessing was placed in your life for you to encounter at a specific time and place.

It is this strategic approach that brought salvation to the world. And that same approach is required to expand the kingdom on earth.

When I look at the body of Christ I can’t help but wonder if we are being as strategic about reaching the lost as we could be. Perhaps we’re just going through the motions for the sake of “doing something”.

I often question the level of creativity that has been put into efforts to spread the Good News.

As an ambassador of Christ you are called to reach the lost by any means necessary. He has placed inside of you gifts and talents that only you can release to push the kingdom agenda forward.

God has placed in you the same ability He used to save the world, for you to think strategically about reaching his sheep.

Today I challenge you to put an end to fruitless efforts for the mere appearance of progress. Take some time and think through ways that you can personally present the salvation of Christ to someone in a manner that draws them closer to Christ.

Let’s pray…

“Father you are the master strategist. Only you could bring life to the world by dying. You work in ways I will never understand but am always thankful for. Lord, help me to be more strategic in my approach towards the lost. Show me effective ways to present the abundant living that is available in you. Give me the discipline it takes to sit down and map out a plan of execution. Thank you Lord for taking the time and doing the same for me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

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