Subject: Split image

Genesis 1:27 - Split Image

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27 NIV)

by Chris

I’ve been told all my life I look just like my father.

As a kid every time I would hear that I would become a bit more proud. I would watch how my dad walked and try to walk like him.

I couldn’t wait to meet my parent’s new friends just so I could hear them claim how much I looked like my father.

As a father, I see the same effect taking place in my sons. They seem to shine a bit brighter when someone compliments them on how much they remind them of me.

As a father, I realized I’m just as proud.

I want my children to look and reflect my best qualities. I look at them identifying which features of mine they have, and what mannerisms they have adapted - and smile.

God views us the same way.

He longs for you to walk in his image to make him proud of his creation. He wants people to see him when they look at you.

You should admire all his ways and emulate them. His love, language, heart, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, wisdom, grace, and mercy.

You were created with the ability to operate in each and every quality of God. But it takes some intentionality.

It takes a daily sacrifice to obtain the image of Christ you were created in.

Since I now know the feeling of being a proud parent, I am excited that I can give God a similar feeling.

It has become a reality and more than just words when I say, “I want to be just like you Father”.

Do you?

Lets pray…

“Father thank you for creating me in your image. I am thankful to have inherited all of your qualities and virtues. Help me to walk in your image daily. Wanting for people to see more of you when they look at me. Lord, my desire is to make you proud of me…your son. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

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