Subject: Speak it

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you.”

~ Isaiah 54:17 NLT
Today I speak life over you and your situation.

That no weapon that the enemy has placed against you will succeed in your destruction.

I rebuke the enemy and every attack that he has or will attempt in your life.

There is no God greater than the God we serve. He is too faithful to forsake you and too loving to allow the enemy to defeat you.

I claim a spirit of continual hope and expectation on your life. Knowing that God will do exactly what he said he would.

No matter how long it takes. Keep on trusting and believing in His word.

You are victorious in Christ. All authority over sin has been given to you, and your tongue holds the power to shape your future and claim your destiny.

Today, use your tongue to speak life into your situations and those around you. Let your lifestyle express the love of Christ to all you encounter. Understanding the best remedy for feeling down is to love on and encourage others.

Friend you are a mighty man of valor, an ambassador of the most high God, a faith walker, and a redeeming blood receipient.

In Christ Jesus you are and will remain indestructible towards sin.

In Jesus name, Amen.
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