Subject: Souled out

Mark 8:36-37 - Souled Out

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? (Mark 8:36-37 NIV)

by Chris

Breaking news...your soul is not your own.

Looking at our lives through a worldly lens puts ownership on things we have no ownership or control over.

Our souls belong to God. They were purchased at a price no man could afford. We have been redeemed through the death of our savior.

That is priceless.

Therefore, there is nothing the world can offer that is of equal value to the blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing carries enough weight to consider an exchange for our soul.

How bold is it to sell what you don’t own?

Naturally, you would have to first purchase the property from the original owner then sell it to the new buyer.

Spiritually this is impossible.

Brothers, remember our life is not our own. It has been loaned to us in order for us to produce great works on earth so that the Father may be glorified.

Our souls are property of our Savior that we return to him once we have fulfilled our purpose and obtained the promise.

While we cannot rightfully sell our souls, we can only steward over them. Ensuring when it is time to lay to rest that they have accomplished the great works the Father predestined.

Lets pray...

“Father thank you for life and salvation. We understand that we are not qualified to place any form of ownership on our souls. The price you paid was too great. Therefore, Father we pray that eyes will be opened to see this truth. So when tempted by the lusts of this world the proper spiritual perspective can be maintained. That we may not only return our soul to you, but a soul that has accomplished great works in your name. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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