Subject: Soar

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.”

~ Isaiah 40:31 NIV
My pastor told me something profound today.

He stated…”eagles don’t check the forecast before they take off”.

That statement really ministered to me. Since eagles have the ability to fly above the clouds, they are not susceptible to the same storms as other animals.

The simply rise above them.

Eagles know their capability and it shows through their actions. Storms don’t even factor into whether or not they take flight because they know they can rise above them all and fly in peace above them.

Is that what your life looks like? If not, shouldn’t it?

I mean you serve a God that has promised you victory. He promised he will never leave or forsake you. Yet, you’ve probably found yourself “checking the forecast” before you acted on what He called you to do.

You’re not the only one. I’ve done it myself. In fact I still do it and have to catch myself.

Just know that God is bigger than any obstacle you will ever face in life. Your response to your life’s trials will reflect the degree in which you believe it.

Your flesh is susceptible to life’s storms, but your spirit has the ability to rise above them all and see you through it.

You just have to believe.

Stop checking the forecasts to life’s storms and choose to act by faith on the word that God has instructed in your life.

Don’t fall victim to what you have been called to be a victor over.

Lets pray…

“I choose to release my wings and choose to fly above my life’s storms. By faith I know I am more than a conqueror. My belief lies in your Father, because I know you can never fail. In Jesus name I pray…Amen.”
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