Subject: Scouting Report

Numbers 13:33 - Scouting Report

“Alongside them we felt like grasshoppers. And they looked down on us as if we were grasshoppers.” (Numbers 13:33 MSG)

by Chris

Whose report will you believe?

Faced against trials in life we either view the trials as smaller than us or larger. We are either conquerors or conquered.

After being told to go and scout the land, the reports differed a bit.

The first is Caleb’s in v.27 - We went to the land to which you sent us and, oh! It does flow with milk and honey!

Then in v.30 - “Let’s go up and take the land—now. We can do it.”

Immediately after hearing this report another man who was with Caleb reports...

In v.31-33 - “We can’t attack those people; they’re way stronger than we are.” ... “We scouted out the land from one end to the other—it’s a land that swallows people whole. Everybody we saw was huge.”

Isn’t it amazing how two people can have the same experience yet walk away with two entirely different perspectives?
Same circumstances viewed with an entirely different outcome in mind.

Brothers, we ARE conquerors. There is nothing to large for our God. When it comes to trials it’s either BIG GOD and little trial. Or BIG TRIAL and little god.

This is ultimately a matter of the heart. Guzik states it best in his commentary:

“Significantly, two men could see the exact same sights - the same grapes, the same men, the same land, the same cities - one can come away singing in faith, and the other is filled with a sense of certain doom. Ultimately, faith or unbelief does not spring from circumstances or environment, but from our hearts, which God must change.”

Lets pray...

“Father change our hearts that we may see the victory you have given us in every situation. Help us keep the proper perspective of your capabilities in all our trials. In Jesus name, Amen.”
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