Subject: Only if you stay

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.” 

~ Proverbs 24:16 NASB
It’s bound to happen.

Jesus himself promised it. No matter how spiritual you become you can not escape it.

Just when you think you have it all under control…

You will fall.

There is no amount of scripture or praying that you can do that will prevent you from falling to sin. This is not a bad thing.

You see, if we could live perfect lives without sin we would not need Jesus. His work on the cross would’ve been for naught.

But he knew we would fall. More-so, He knew we needed a Savior that could redeem us when we fall.

I’m getting to the point in Christ where my number of falls are not as important as my number of rises. As long as I continue to rise, I know God can still make a way.

The devil wants you to look at your shortcomings as failures. He wants to discourage your faith and make you feel less than.

But God wants you to experience His love at a deeper level. When you rise after a fall you realize there is no sin big enough to make God turn his back on you.

Remember, it's only defeat if you stay down. There is victory waiting to be had in every fall when you decide to rise.

While rising you realize it has never really been about the sin. It’s always been about Him. How He loves you unconditionally and wants you to have all he has in store for you.

So next time you fall (because it will happen), just understand you didn’t catch God off guard. He already planned for it to happen.

You’re the one who has to get over it. Accept the fact that you will never be perfect or sinless, brush off the dirt, and rise.

Lets pray…

“Lord, help me to accept the fact that I will sin and it’s okay. I will continue to desire and chase after you to fill me daily with your Holy Spirit. Each day I become stronger in faith than I do in the flesh. My sins are reminders of how much I need you in my life. They are not indicators of my worth or identity. Lord I receive your redemptive work on the cross and from now on when I fall…I will rise. I pray these things in Jesus precious name, Amen.”
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