Subject: Now is not the time

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

~ 1 Corinthians !0:13 NIV
There are two things I know about you.

One is that God has called you by faith to a greater calling. A purpose you are pursuing that you have not yet obtained.

Second is…He has not told you to quit.

And if God has not told you to quit, the only choice you have is to keep going.

Today’s scripture is often quoted in terms of sexual temptation. However, it should not be limited to that.

The further along your walk of faith you get, the more you WILL be tempted to quit. To go back to what is comfortable and “safe”.

You will look at your current fruit and deem it not enough to stay the course God has given you by faith. Just know this is only a test.

If you are currently facing the temptation to quit…now is not the time.

It is not the time to quit but to push forward. I know it may seem like there is no way what you’re doing will work. There are probably tons of facts to back up why you feel that way.

But you can endure this. You can make it.

This temptation is NOT bigger than your faith.

God wants to use this temptation to increase your faith and keep you on course. After all, He will always provide a way out.

The only way out of quitting is to keep going. Trust that as you keep pressing that He will allow you to endure the temptation and stay the course.

If there was ever a time to push on…now IS the time.

Lets pray…

“Father, when my flesh wants to quit empower my spirit man to press on. I want your promise for my life more than I want to be comfortable in life. I know the only guarantee I can count on is your promise. Help me to stay faithful even when I can’t feel you Father. In Jesus name I pray…Amen.”
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