Subject: No excuse

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. “

~ Romans 1:20 NLT
God is real.

Everything around you is a reminder of his existence and greatness.

The world continues to try to minimize who God really is in an effort to try to claim credit for all He has created.

They remove him from school and get enraged at him for “letting” children get murdered on school grounds.

When they are in need his name is ever present on their lips. When abundance flows they get amnesia.

The world continues to try to minimize God as a convenience afforded to you when all else fails. He is just another alternative to live your life.

However, in the end they will have no excuse for their actions. Not one word they mutter can absolve them from their actions and lack of belief.

Neither will those that know him and don’t spread his word. It is our call to ensure that the creator is made known to all man. That they realize there is hope in a world full of pain and disappointment.

We have no excuse to keep this good news to ourselves.

He is not an alternative, He is the almighty. The only path to eternity. And he is worthy to be known by all men.

It is our purpose to make that happen.

Let’s pray…

“Lord, no matter how much the world denies you, you will never deny them. Your love for the lost knows no boundaries. You have forgiven all of their sins before they could even commit them. Only you God can love such a wretched creation. But your example of love is my standard. I choose to love the lost no matter what the cost. I will live a life and speak of your greatness all the while. No matter what the world says…they know deep down that you exist. Open their eyes and heart to receive the truth Father. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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