Subject: No applause...yet

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

~ John 14:12 NIV
Yesterday my wife read me an excerpt from John Maxwell’s latest book Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn.

It stated how John Maxwell had done research of numerous Nobel Prize winners. What he found was that very few (if any) went on to do anything greater than the Nobel Prize.

In fact, a good number of the winners pretty much disappeared after winning the prize. He could not find any record of accomplishments after they received the prize.

This was shocking to me.

John attributed it to the fact that they felt like they had arrived. They reached the mountain top and there was no higher heights to achieve.

Which made me realize that there are no plateaus in Christ. Whatever level you have achieved today, there is a greater one waiting for you tomorrow.

Jesus confirmed this by telling the disciples that though the work He had done was great, they would do greater works yet once he leaves.

Do you find yourself repeatedly celebrating the victories of yesterday?

God has called you to greater. He wants you to acknowledge what he has done in your life and praise him for it. Always be mindful of His power to change any situation.

But He also wants you to move one. Move on to the next great accomplishment he has in store for you.

Whatever you have achieved in your life…it gets greater later. Only God can make and deliver on that promise.

So be encouraged today knowing that the best is truly yet to come in your life.

Lets pray…

“Father I receive a blessing of ‘greater’ all over my life. I accept my victories of yesterday, and choose to press on towards the victories of tomorrow. Walking boldly and claiming all you have for me by faith. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
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