Subject: Monthly bread?

Matthew 6:11 - Monthly Bread?

“Give us today our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11 NIV)

by Chris

I’ve heard this scripture a lot of times.

It wasn’t until recently where God gave me a new insight on it. An insight that spoke directly to me in my walk of faith.

What does daily provisions mean to you? What does it look like?

In my past I’ve been used to monthly, even yearly, provisions from resources like my corporate job. It created a reality that I needed to have an abundance of money stored away to feel comfortable.

While God is the God of abundance, He is also the God of seasons and timing.

There will be a time where you walk in abundance; there will also be a time when you walk in daily provisions.

Not yet able to see tomorrow’s provisions until the day comes. But as the days pass one by one, you will witness the hand of God on your life providing for every single need.

Never lacking in anything.

If God provided for you exactly what you needed on a daily basis would you be cool with that? Or would you find yourself stressing and worrying about tomorrow?

I found myself worrying and stressing until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the way that God has decided to provide for me in this season.

And you know what...I’d rather have His provisions His way.

I’d like to challenge you to take inventory of the things you feel you may be lacking in your life. The amount of money you may be depending on to finally have peace.

Now ask the Holy Spirit to show you what God’s plan for provision in your life in this season is.

God is faithful, and He knows exactly what He is doing.

Lets pray...

“Lord, I trust you and your provision in my life. I know your ways are far from what I expect, and I accept them. Teach me to be content with your provision alone and how you decide to provide. I know as long as it comes from you, my well will never run dry. Thank you Father. Amen.”

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