Subject: Makes no sense

Psalm 119:143 - Makes No Sense

“Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.” (Psalm 119:143 NIV)

by Chris

There are 3 phases of life we all go through.

You are either…
  1. Going to a storm
  2. Going through a storm
  3. Coming out of a storm
These phases repeat themselves throughout your life. No matter what your level of success or wealth, you will always have a storm to prepare for.

The question is…can you find delight in God’s instruction in the middle of your storm?

When I was working in the corporate world and layoffs were near, you could tell by the body language of the employee whether they were worried or not.

Some people would wear it on their face, others in their walk, and most in their conversation.

It was almost like they had no hope and the idea of losing their job was like death to them. This was only because that is the reality they accepted.

As a victor in Christ you know that you always win if you keep God’s commands. No matter what storms come your way you already know the outcome because God will never steer you wrong.

You just have to keep the faith.

Living a life of full obedience is what enables you to go through with joy.

While everyone else is shaken you have more confidence than ever. The report they listen to come from man or the media, yours comes from the Lord.

So when storms hit, don’t seek instruction from man. That will only result in fear, anxiety, and worry. Instead look to God for your instruction.

When you do and you overcome your storm. Man will try every effort to make sense out of how you did it.

However, it won’t make any sense without God. It is God who gives significance and meaning to every storm in your life.

He gives peace in the storm as well.

Lets pray…

“Father I know there are two guarantees in life. Trials and your promise to over come them. Help me to focus on overcoming more than the trial itself. Magnify your voice in my storm that I may hear and take confidence in your instruction. Humble me Lord to follow in your path out of the storm instead of me wasting time on my own path. Thank you for never leaving or forsaking me when I need you most. In Jesus name I pray…Amen.”
Mark Your Calendars!

Our first Men's Devotional Group has been scheduled. With a few exceptions, most of you selected to meet on Monday evening via Google Hangout.

I'm excited and can't wait to meet a few of you in person. Here's how it will work:

  1. You will need a Google Account (grab a free one here if you don't already have one)
  2. Click here and add me to one of your Google Plus circles
  3. On Monday at 7pm CST you will receive a notification to join the group live.
Those steps should take care of all the technical stuff. If you have any issues don't hesitate to shoot me an email.

Here's a summary of the info needed to attend:

What: Men's Devotional Group
Where: Google Hangouts
Location: Online (computer or laptop)
Time: 7pm CST

Can't wait to meet you Monday!
15863 Garrett Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124, United States
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