Subject: Loss

Philippians 3:8 - Loss

“Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ” 
(Philippians 3:8 NLT)

by Chris

It is through loss and suffering that you get to know God on a deeper level.

The times when all you had or valued has been stripped away, will often require you to reflect and reassess your direction in life.

At times doubt God’s plan.

Bishop Dale C. Bronner said it best concerning changes in our lives...

“Sometimes God comes to comfort the disturbed, other times he comes to disturb the comfortable”

I witnessed this first-hand through the process of losing my job. I am a dual degreed engineer with a MBA, and still managed to lose my job. Not only that...haven’t been able to find another one since.

But that wasn’t God’s plan for me. God had greatness in me that would only be birthed through tough loss and suffering.

When I was able to stop focusing on what I lost in the world, and start realizing what I have an opportunity to gain in Christ my spirit man became encouraged.

It was through God stripping me of worldly provision through my job that I began to know God as my true provider on a deeper level. Through my loss I have been enabled to see the hand of God on my life that my corporate job wouldn’t allow.

That was my loss...what’s yours?

Friend, whatever you have lost just know that God has a plan. He is using loss to get your attention and get you out of the situation you are in.

It may seem like things were all together, but God has more in store for you. A higher calling. But in order for you to embrace and accept it, He may have to remove some things out of your life you think you need.

Then you will see that nothing man gives or that man created can compare to getting to know your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on a deeper level.

Your loss is a gateway to a higher level in Christ.

Lets pray...

“Father help me to view my loss in the proper perspective. I know it will allow your presence to shine through my situation. I pray for every man today that is suffering from a loss of a job, loved one, or relationship. Comfort them as you are comforting me right now. I accept my loss, and I expect my gain in Christ. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.”

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