Subject: Lord have mercy pt.2

Matthew 18:28 - Lord Have Mercy Pt. 2

“But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars. He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.” (Matthew 18:28 NLT)

by Chris

Where was the mercy?

The king had just forgiven this man’s entire debt owed. The man pleaded heavily and it was granted to him.

However, as soon as he left the presence of the king he went out and choked a man who owed him money.

Amazing how easily we forget to extend the same mercies that have been extended to us. It is so easy to ask God for an extra portion of mercy, while very few people are actually intentional on extending mercy towards others.

Is this you? Have you failed to extend your fellow brethren mercies that were once extended to you?

Where you angry at someone for stealing from you and then turn around and do not pay your tithes?

Have you gotten angry with a female in a relationship for talking to another man and then turn around and miss church from being exhausted from going out the night before?

Whatever the case may be, man struggles with forgiveness. We harness hurt and keep wrongdoings of others in the front of our minds.

We patiently wait for an opportunity to “pay them back” or show them how wrong they are.

What would happen if we extended mercy instead? What harm would it do to wipe the slate clean and start the next day with a forgotten mind.

It takes faith in God and knowing that He is the ultimate judge of what should or shouldn’t happen in the lives of others. So while we may be trying to make someone pay for what they’ve done, God may be nullifying our efforts by extending mercies to them.

The best we can do is get in line and match is mercy.

Lets pray...

“Father forgive us for not forgiving others. You paid the price for all of our sins. You made provisions to forgive every man and woman to ever walk this earth. Yet, we don’t follow suit. Humble us Father. Let us remember how we are all in need of your grace and mercy. That we fall so short we have no space to judge or be vindictive to one another. Soften our hearts with compassion towards one another Father. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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