Subject: Lord have mercy

Lamentations 3:22-23 - Lord Have Mercy

“It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” 
(Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV)

by Chris

Glory be to God our Lord and Saviour!

For the mercies He extends to us are always present and never old.

The Lord is so merciful that we cannot out sin the amount of mercy He has in store for us.

God has setup a system of mercy that is replenished everyday. Brand new mercies waiting to cover our sins and shortcomings.

No longer let the enemy condemn you of prior and current sins of the flesh. The Lord has you covered.

His faithfulness never fails and is forever abounding through grace and mercy. Therefore, the penalty of sin we deserve is covered by mercy.

We must be intentional to extend these same mercies to our fellow brothers in Christ.

Who in your life is past due for an extension of mercy from you? What grudge do you need to let go of? There is someone in your life that is in need of your forgiveness, who is it?

As you continue to walk in the new mercies of God each day, do not forget to replenish the amount of mercy you will extend to others.

Lets pray..

“Father, we come before you today thankful for the new mercies you grant to us daily. Let us not be mere recipients of such mercy but providers as well. Let us abound in love towards one another as you show us what an extension of mercy looks like in our lives. Thank you Father for providing the teaching and example to become more like you daily. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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