Subject: Live through it

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

~ Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV
I know it seems like too much.

The road ahead seems insurmountable and unbearable. If you’re honest, you would rather stay where you are than push ahead.

The path ahead, although filled with promise, is unknown and uncharted territory. It will take an even greater faith to press forward with confidence knowing it will all work out for your good.

But you have to do it.

We all face obstacles in life that test our faith. They cause you to stretch spiritually which can be extremely uncomfortable.

But if you simply avoid going through the trials it doesn’t exempt you from going through. It just delays it.

At some point, in order to obtain the promise, you will have to release your faith and go through. There is no way around it.

The Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness until they finally got it right. How long are you willing to spend in your wilderness?

As long as you are living you will either live your life avoiding such trials, or you will choose to live through them.

God has promised that he will go before you. Clearing the path of danger, destruction and death. Providing footsteps for you to follow.

It won’t be easy. It will hurt a whole bunch. You will be forced to face hardships unimaginable.

But you will make it.

You will grow through the process and experience a deeper level of trust in God than you ever had before.

You will see for yourself the goodness of the Lord and his unfailing love.

You will see exactly why He told you not to be afraid. God has it all under control if you just take courage and live through it.

Once you obtain the promise…you will be thankful that you took God at his word and decided to live through it.

Lets pray…

“Lord, I know you are with me. You remain right by my side. Protecting me from attacks in all directions. Strengthening me to keep pushing. Wiping every tear that falls from fear and pain. All I need is you Father. Material gain make my flesh happy but your presence brings me joy Father. Thank you for preparing the path for me. Show me how to rely on the strength of your spirit to live through what you have called me to. In Jesus name I pray…Amen.”
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