Subject: Life's mathematics

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.”

~ Ecclesiastes 7:8 NIV
Who cares how you start? It’s all about the finish.

Whether you start off good or bad the ultimate decision will be based on how you finish. How you navigate through the trials, temptations, and victories in life will determine how you reach the finish line.

Just think back, how many of your relationships started off great only to end sour?

How about saints? How many people do you know that started off on fire for God only to backslide into even worse sin than there were in before?

Have you ever lost a job? Remember how exciting it was to get that paycheck?

Then there’s the underdog. The person who started off behind the eight ball and by the grace of God overcame their circumstances.

The millionaire who didn't graduate high school.

The single mother who raised a successful mogul.

The broken marriage that was repaired and restored stronger than ever.

Whatever the situation I’ve found that in order to finish strong you have to be willing to deal with Life’s Mathematics listed below…

big dreams + life = devastation

devastation + hope = restoration

restoration + faith = destiny

Friend, life will happen. It will be untimely and seem unfair. Life will attack your dreams and make them seem like distant thoughts of foolish men.

Thank God for hope!

Hope is what picks you up and puts you back on track. It keeps your dream alive and fuels you with the will to go on.

Once you have received restoration through hope and couple it with faith…you WILL obtain what you were created for.

And that’s all that matters.

So don’t get too high when you’re off to a good start. Stay humble.

And don’t get too low when your start sucks. Be encouraged.

Because the promise of God claims if you just keep on pushing, keep hope alive, and keep releasing faith - there is nothing God will not be able to do in your life.

Lets pray…

“Father, help me to deal with life and all that it brings. Humble me when pride is at hand and encourage me when my spirit is low. Lord you are the ultimate finisher. You did it all on the cross. I am made in your image Father and I receive that same finishing spirit in my life today. No longer will I treat the start as if I have arrived. Knowing that it is how I finish the race the will determine the amount of glory you will receive for how I ran it. I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen.”
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