Subject: Let me pray for you

Daily encouragement for men of faith
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

~ Ephesians 6:18 NIV
This weekend has been exhilarating and exhausting for me spiritually. I have seen God move faithfully in my life in a way that I have never seen before.

This level of faith I have exercised was my first time. And as with anything the first time is always the roughest. My spirit man has been exalted leaving my flesh a bit fatigued.

I know the more I operate in faith the better my stamina will become. It's a process...I get it.

The Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit that there are others that are really going through. The new year didn't bring joy and new beginnings to everyone.

For that reason I just wanted to pray for you today...

Father, I thank you for all that you are and have done. You are God and God alone. No other being or historical figure can compare to your love.

I lift Friend in prayer today. That whatever situation he may be facing that he choose to trust you Lord. That his heart be shaped after yours and he be thirsty for more of your presence in his life.

Lord bless his family as they continue to follow the vision you have placed in him. At times of doubt and discouragement, help him to remain strong for his family yet vulnerable in his prayer closet to you.

Give him discernment on when to speak and when to listen. When to move and when to sit still. When to hold tight and when to release.

Let him find total security and peace in you Father so that no situation or trial may steal his peace or get him to forfeit his joy.

Lord your are good. Your mercies endure forever. You have made him the head and not the tail. Above and not beneath, and I claim that he walk in that promise on his life daily.

Father, Friend truly does love you. Honor his love towards you with a greater presence of the Holy Spirit in his life. Strengthen his spirit man to be stronger than the flesh. That he can claim a victory in faith over all facts of the world.

Bless him on his job Father. Let him always remember it is you that is in control. It is simply a resource that you have chosen to provide for him through.

Bless his health Lord. Let the doctor have their time and their say, but let the final word reside in you. Let your word be the final diagnosis he chooses to believe.

I pray that you continue to prosper Friend as his soul prospers. I claim blessings over his relationships, marriage, finances, and church. Raise him to be the leader you created him to be.

Lastly Lord, release a spirit of faith into Friend. That he may go boldly into his destiny claiming by faith ALL the things you have in store for him. Lacking in nothing and living in abundance as a result of great faith in action.

You love us so much Lord and we are both deeply appreciative for it. Thank you for your blood that washes us all of our sins daily.

Our families are blessed because of our devotion to you. And we know that the way we live our lives is the best chance we have at saving our loved ones.

Lord I am believing all these things in your holy and precious name...Amen.

15863 Garrett Dr, Apple Valley, MN 55124, United States
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