Subject: Leading role

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;”

~ Proverbs 3:5 NIV
God has it all figured out.

As Christians I believe we can really over complicate things when it comes to how God works.

You either trust in God, or trust in your own ability.

You either believe in his plan, or you trust in your own.

I have been on both ends, and I’m sure you have too. I have gotten impatient with God and jumped to my own plan only for it to end in misery.

Other times, I have decided to trust God no matter what. Without fail, things always seem to work out.

Never as I anticipated, however.

I am a living witness that God hears every prayer that you release from your lips and responds to each one. When He decides to answer, it will look nothing like you thought it would.

But it will always be greater.

Today my prayer for you is that your spirit be open and willing to receive however God decides to move in your life. If you keep the faith, watching things eventually fall into place is nothing short of a masterful performance.

God really knows how to put on a show, and He’s looking for you to play the leading role.

Let’s pray…

“Lord help me to always choose your ways. My intelligence is nothing compared to your everlasting knowledge. Only you know what is best for me. I trust your judgment and your calling on my life today. Whatever great plans I come up with I am willing to let go of for the sake of your will for my life. I surrender my life to you today Father. Use me as you will. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

God's plan is greater. Remind a friend...
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