Subject: Inevitable

1 John 1:8 - Inevitable

“If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.” (1 John 1:8 NLT)

by Chris

Get perfection out of your mind.

When you decided to come to Christ you accepted the reality that Jesus was the only one who could ever perfect the human walk of life.

It was accepting Jesus as your personal Savior that freed you from being held captive, in condemnation, by your prior sins.

Perfection was never an option. Only working towards perfection. A perfection that can only be obtained when we are finally in His presence in spiritual form.

Until will sin.

It doesn’t make you any lesser of a saint, it makes you human. It validates the need for God’s redeeming grace in your life.

Friend, becoming a Christian was never about becoming "sinless". It is a continual effort to "sin less". The closer you get to God the easier it becomes to deny your flesh.

So you cannot get caught up on the fact that you sinned. You will sin again. Your focus should always remain on a God that provided a way to cleanse you of every sin He knew you would commit.

That’s love at it’s finest.

God is not concerned with your acts of sin, He wants your heart. He wants you to allow Him to purify your heart and renew your mind.

So that when you do sin, you will become as disgusted of it as He is. At the same time, be willing to repent and drop it immediately and move on.

Today, accept sin as an inevitable occurrence in your walk with Christ. But even more, accept His love and grace as sufficient to cover all sins.

Lets pray...

“Lord I am a sinner saved by grace through faith. My nature is to sin. But today I receive your redeeming grace and undying love that covers every sin. Providing a pathway back to your presence through forgiveness. Help me to reach quick repentance for every sin in my life going forward. That there will never be anything that acts as a separator between me and your presence. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

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