Subject: Him alone

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

~ (John 3:16 NIV)
Love is manifested in giving.

God loved you so much that He gave his son to the world to die for you, so that you may receive salvation.

Naturally that’s what draws us to Christ. We come to Christ because we want his salvation. We want to be accepted for who we are and cleaned up for where we want to go.

The end goal is ultimately heaven.

In the beginning we want something from Christ (salvation), and in the end we want something from Christ (heaven).

So when do you make the transition from following Christ to get something, to following Christ because He is Christ?

This is a challenging question, even for me, because if you’re honest with yourself you will find that most of the reasons you are walking upright with God is so he will give you something in return.

We’re taught in church to be pray and be faithful. In return God will open a window of blessings. They say follow God by faith and you will walk into your destiny.

These are just a few examples. The problem is they are all based on following Christ for what he can/will give, instead of for who he is.

If you can make this transition your spiritual life will sky rocket. If you can prevent yourself from falling in love with the works of God, and fall in love with God - you will experience a peace unimaginable.

God wants to give you the world, but He wants you to experience him first. He wants you to hunger and thirst after him. Not what you will get in return.

When you shift your desires to experiencing more of him, you will find it easy to be joyful in all situations.

Challenge yourself to stay seeking the source and not fall in love with its resources.

Learn to love and seek God for who He is alone. In doing so you will realize you will never have anything to worry about.

Lets pray…

“Father mold my heart to seek after you alone. Help me to find satisfaction in my relationship with you instead of what the relationship produces. Lord it is you that is my heart's desire. I want more of you in my life. Everything else is secondary. I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen.”

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