Subject: Hearts of men

Proverbs 15:11 - Hearts of Men

“Even hell holds no secrets from God— do you think he can’t read human hearts?” (Proverbs 15: 11 MSG)

by Chris

You can’t fool God.

People may be easily persuaded by good deeds and a pleasant appearance, but God knows the heart.

A faithful spouse is devastated with the news of infidelity. People who you trust turn on you for their own personal gain.

Someone claims they love you but their actions show everything BUT love towards you.

These are all matters of the heart that may fool men but never God.

Our hearts are like sponges, whatever we fill them with eventually gets squeezed out with the pressures of life.

Harnessing hatred? Words spoken in the heat of the moment will reveal it.

Harnessing love? When you should blow up and go off, you won’t. 

How about grace, forgiveness, or compassion?

What would you say your heart is filled with? A good barometer to test the contents of your heart is to pay attention to what your eye and ear gates are exposed to.

God instructs us to forgive one another and hold no grudges. This means we are to keep short accounts with each other in our wrong doings.

Continually walking in grace and love. Extending love to those whom we may believe deserve it or not.

Men, I want to challenge you today to take inventory of the contents of your heart. Pray that God will reveal to you how you truly feel about certain people and situations in your life.

Once it is revealed, don’t debate it. Accept the revelation and make the necessary steps to remove whatever is not Godly.

The world loves to justify their actions with the statement...”God knows my heart

But the Word says differently...”The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9 KJV)

Lets pray...

“Father we petition for a revelation today. Lord show us our hearts. We know that you are the only one that truly knows its contents. Remove anything that is not like you from our hearts, daily. Grant us with a higher level of discernment to be more watchful over our eye and ear gates. Help us to scrutinize every piece of advice we receive from others and test it against the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. Lord, our desire daily is to be more like you. We know it starts with the heart. Purify our hearts Lord, in Jesus name we pray. Amen”

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