Subject: Frustrated Faith

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

~ Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV
Your trust needs to lie in God alone.

It’s the safest, most secure place to put it.

When you trust, or place faith, in people or material gains it gives the enemy a point of attack. Gives him access to to place doubt and fear in your spirit.

In fact, that’s where I’ve found the source of all frustration comes from. When you expect something and don't receive it.

If you eliminate these points of frustration you will be able to operate in a stronger faith.

I was once given this definition of frustration…

“Frustration is the difference between reality and expectation.”

So the two sources of our frustration are reality and expectations. You KNOW God is the truth. He is reality.

The flaw must lie in the expectation. Your expectation.

Are you expecting God to reward your faith in a specific way?

Are you assuming that releasing your faith will release you from certain trials?

Lastly, are you expecting the end result to always be positive?

The best expectation you can have is to expect God to respond however he chooses. Whether it’s a ‘no’, ‘yes’, silence, pain, loss, promotion, etc.

You do not know God’s ways. No one does. The best thing you can ever do is just trust in Him. No matter what it looks like simply trust that somehow it is going to workout for your good.

As the tree needs water to stay living, we need water to stay alive both physically and spiritually.

The greatest thing is that you have access to the well that never runs dry. Providing an unlimited supply of everything you need.

As long as you trust in the Lord.

Lets pray…

“Father, I have reduced my expectations down to one thing. Expecting that you will keep your word. Do not let me get distracted by what I think should happen, or what others say about my situation. I trust you Lord, and I trust your ways. I know it is going to hurt at times, and I will want to quit. But I KNOW as long as I trust in you I ALWAYS win. Thank you Jesus! Amen.”
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