Subject: Found it

Luke 15:24 - Found It

“For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.”  (Luke 15:24 ESV)

by Chris

Glory be to God for His undying love and continual mercies!

He is truly worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. It is an honor to be considered a child of God and to know that we are loved by Him.

True story...

Losing my job was one of the hardest times of my life.

I wasn’t aware of how much it impacted me until I lost my driver’s license and credit cards. Mind you, I very RARELY misplace anything of value, especially when it pertains to money.

Plus, I have never these cards in my life before. So I convinced myself this took place due to the extreme amount of stress I was under.

I went on and cancelled my old cards, got new ones, and was issued another license. Case closed.

Fast forward a couple years...

I was going through my wardrobe for an outfit to wear to a local networking event. As I grab some pants I haven’t worn in a couple years something drops out of the pockets.

You guessed driver’s license and credit cards I thought I lost.

How great of a feeling is it to have something returned to you that you thought you lost for good?

In this moment God spoke into my life assuring me that nothing is lost in Christ. All that I’ve gone through, and given up in pursuit of His promise is not lost. It is seed sown.

To one day be revealed that He may get the glory and my faith approved.

If I felt this good finding cards that no longer held any value, imagine the joy the Lord feels whenever a valuable, soul comes to Christ.

Brothers, we are surrounded by lost souls daily. Lets be more intentional in pointing them back home. Not just with our words but through our actions of love, compassion, and faith.

It is a great joy to find what was lost, it is an even greater joy for the lost to be found.

Lets pray...

“Lord thank you for never giving up on us. We know there is never a soul that is out of your reach. Let our lives touch the soul of the lost today. That they may see something in us that draws them closer to your through curiosity. In Jesus name we pray. Amen”
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