Subject: Enough is enough?

Enough Is Enough?

"You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." (Matthew 5:38-39 NIV) 

Common scripture here. However, I've heard it misused and misinterpreted many times.

What I understand about this scripture is that God wants us to leave revenge up to Him. He wants us to extend love (v. 44) in the face of insult or persecution as He did through Jesus.

I also realize this scripture did not mean literally allowing someone to smack you across the face. Jesus was using hyperbolic speak here to help illustrate the point more clearly.

With that being said, we all have our short fuse times. Those times when we know we are supposed to show love but nothing but anger or frustration comes out.

My question today is...where do you draw the line?

What have you found your breaking point to be? I would love to say I let people's insults roll right off of me in Jesus name, but the truth is a lot of stuff gets under my skin.

And sometimes I don't respond like the scripture instructs.

What about you? When is enough, enough and how would you explain this scripture to a new comer to Christ?

Lets pray...

"Father, give me the strength to respond in love in the face of persecution. In Jesus name I pray, Amen"

Some of Your Responses Regarding Isolation...

"I feel there is a difference between living in isolation and temporary isolation for the purpose of growth. Not sure about the quote because Jesus even isolated himself when speaking to God. You could probably grow from both community and temporary isolation. The issue is the continued isolation where a person can play tricks on themselves through depression and other issues." ~ PJ

"We must open up, bring community together to bring us all closer to God. We can't grow alone, we need the spiritual guidance from others as well" ~ Ryan

"Isolation is a time to grow personally with God. In community with others people will can sharpen you or dull you. We have to make sure our communities sharpen us and if they are dulling us, it's in the isolation moments that we must continue to grow with God so we can put on our armor."  ~ Brandon
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